Cyperus papyrus 'Nile Queen'
Price: $1.35
Availability: Click Here
Common Name:
Cyperus papyrus 'Nile Queen'
Ornamental Features:
A medium form of Giant Papyrus, growing up to 4 feet tall. Adapts well to growing in or out of water. Handles lower light situations better than Giant Papyrus. Needs a lot of water
Habit and Growth Rate:
Up to 4 Feet tall Clumping
Landscape Value:
Pot Size & Finish Time:
Quart, Gallon
Propagation Methods:
Tissue Culture
Pest/Disease Problems:
More Information:
A medium form of Giant Papyrus, growing up to 4 feet tall. Adapts well to growing in or out of water. Handles lower light situations better than Giant Papyrus. Needs a lot of water