Gentiana 'True Blue' pp#20433*
Price: $1.00
Availability: Click Here
Common Name:
Gentiana 'True Blue' pp#20433
Ornamental Features:
This ground cover has large upward facing, true blue, bell flowers that bloom along the stems. These blooms sit atop medium green, lance shaped leaves. *Price plus $.25 royalty.
Habit and Growth Rate:
Compact ground cover.
Landscape Value:
Border and container plant.
Zone 4 - 7
Moist, well drained soil.
Pot Size & Finish Time:
Can reach a height between 15-20 inches, and spread 1-2 feet.
Propagation Methods:
Tissue Culture.
Pest/Disease Problems:
Attracts butterflys and deer resistant
More Information:
This ground cover has large upward facing, true blue bell flowers that bloom along the stems. These blooms sit atop medium green, lance shaped leaves.