Cyperus papyrus 'Dwarf Papyrus'
Price: $1.35
Availability: Click Here
Common Name:
Cyperus papyrus 'Dwarf Papyrus'
Ornamental Features:
Dwarf form of the Giant Papyrus, growing only 2-3 feet tall. Adapts well to growing in or out of water. Handles lower light situations better than Giant Papyrus.
Habit and Growth Rate:
Blooms in summer with brownish umbels.
Landscape Value:
Due to its smaller size, this variety works well in smaller water gardens, but adds beauty to any size pond.
Zone 9-10
Grows in full sun to medium shade. Temperature hardy to around 20-25℉. Can be planted up to 12 inches deep in water or in very rich soil in a container.
Pot Size & Finish Time:
Cell pack to 1 gallon - 8 to 10 weeks Cell pack to 3 gallon - 4 months
Propagation Methods:
Tissue culture.
Pest/Disease Problems:
None known
More Information:
Dwarf form of the Giant Papyrus growing only 2-3 feet tall. Adapts well to growing in or out of water. Handles lower light situations better than Giant Papyrus. Zones 9-10