Dionaea muscipula 'Akai Ryu'
Price: $1.90
Availability: Click Here
Common Name:
Red Dragon
Ornamental Features:
Hinged, rounded, 2-lobed red leaves with stiff marginal spines and 3 or 4 sensitive hairs in the center of each lobe. Insects touches the hairs to trigger the hinge mechanism, and the leaves close, trapping the insect inside.
Habit and Growth Rate:
Winter and early summer leaves are 3 to 6 inches long, with traps 1 to 1 1/4 inches long. Bears 3 to 10 white flowers in early to midsummer.
Landscape Value:
Plant with other combined carnivorous plants in a combination planting.
Zone 6-10
Requires moist, acidic soil and very little fertilizer. Requires partial to full sun.
Pot Size & Finish Time:
3 inch (4 to 6 weeks), 4 inch (8 to 10 weeks).
Propagation Methods:
Tissue Culture and division.
Pest/Disease Problems:
Aphids and fungus gnats.
More Information:
Hinged, rounded, 2-lobed red leaves with stiff marginal spines and 3 or 4 sensitive hairs in the center of each lobe. When an insect touches the hairs, the hinge mechanism is triggered, and the leaves close, trapping the insect inside.